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Nomination Papers

Interested in running for office? 

Nomination papers are available February 26th, 2025, and must be returned by April 7th, 2025.

Selectmen/Assessor/Overseer of Poor: (3-year position)

2025 Class Seat I – Hunter Lander

Selectmen/Assessor/Overseer of Poor: (3-year position)

2025 Class Seat II – Christopher Rushton

School Board Director: (3-year position)

2025 Class Seat I – Brad Orbeton

Please note: You must specify which seat you are running for when you take out nomination papers.

We are looking for ADDITIONAL Comprehensive Plan Review Committee Members.

 The role of the comp plan committee will be to oversee the update of the plan overall, solicit public input and present revisions to the current plan. The update committee would look at the obvious achievements and failures, while still addressing any issues in the plan.  The timeline for review is 1-2 years.  Members will meet on a monthly basis in Webster Hall.

If interested, please fill out a committee request form and return it at your earliest convenience.

We are looking for 9 to 11 Kingfield residents to be committee members.

Committee request forms may be obtained at the Kingfield Town Office or by sending a request to manager@kingfieldme.org

Kingfield residents may not serve simultaneously on more than two municipal committees with the exception of the Budget Committee.  Individuals serving on the Budget Committee are not permitted to serve on any other town-recognized committee.                    Reposted 7/3/24

Please find links below on the Affordable Housing Law; LD 2003 also known as the new law on ADU’s. ADU Ordinance – MMA Legal Advise    AVCOG LD2003 Model Ordinance     LD 2003 Guidance    LD 2003 Requirements                                                                 Posted 5/7/2024

Information provided by LeeAnna Lavoie –  MaineHealth  Director for the Franklin Community Health Network – Healthy Community Coalition at the Selectboard Meeting held February 5, 2024

Here’s a link to Maine CDC Health Needs Assessment. Maine CHNA | Public Health Data | Maine CDC

Franklin County County Health Profile 4.8.2022    Franklin County MSCHNA Report 2022


Interested in serving on a committee?
We ask that you fill out a request form and return to the Town Manager.

Town of Kingfield Job Opening:  

Town of Kingfield

Year-Round Public Works Truck


The Town of Kingfield has an immediate opening
in the Public Works Department.

will include holiday pay, paid time off, insurance and matched retirement plan.

Qualified candidates must perform semi-skilled
manual labor, lift heavy objects and work in a variety of weather conditions.
Overtime is required during storms.  Duties include operation of light and heavy
trucks and motorized equipment, road maintenance, plowing, snow/ice removal,
patching roads, brush trimming, roadside mowing, sidewalk maintenance, and
other duties as needed.  Individual must be a team player, able to
multi-task and work with the public.

A high
school diploma or equivalent GED is required. Background in winter operations,
including plowing, sanding, and equipment upkeep/maintenance is ideal. Position
requires a driver with Class B CDL.

applications can be obtained from the Town Office or Town website – 
www.kingfieldme.org  and can be e-mailed to manager@kingfieldme.org  or
submitted to the Town Manager, Leanna Targett at 38 School Street; Kingfield,
ME  04947. 


Position will
remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

Zoom Meeting Info

Click the button for the current zoom information

Town Office Hours

Monday – Friday:
8:00AM to 12:30PM 1:30PM to 4:30PM

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